As I write this 1st post, I am exactly 28 minutes from turning 50 years old.
I've decided to write a blog on....
I've decided to write a blog on....
- What it means to be 50
- What life is like up to 50
- "Intentions" (goals is just a failure oriented word) for the next part of life
Aging is an inevitable process, and yet, we unfortunately live in a culture that worships youth. I'm not sure what it will feel like reaching the 5 decade mark, but feel like it's pivotal for me personally. Realistically, at 50, 2/3rds of your life is over. And I don't mean that in a negative way. It's simply a fact. Life happens & can go by so quickly. We all plan and have goals to some extent, but for some reason, moving forward, time feels like it will be more precious after 50.
Annie's suggestion for the day: Make a Bucket List!