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Thursday, August 7, 2014


If you ever thought you weren't good enough at something you truly loved to do that made your heart sing, that's the very thing you need to spend time doing.

I don't care if it's needlepoint or mountain climbing or presenting before a boardroom, standing in the face of your fear of failure and feelings of insufficiency, taking the leap of faith, and releasing for once and for all your procrastination of moving forward towards your goals really is, in itself, reaching the finish line.

It doesn't matter whether you fail or succeed in the end. What matters is that you moved.

When you look inside and search for what's holding you back from having that intimate relationship, from going for that promotion, from making the time to take care of yourself,  you will see it's not the external circumstances that prevent the manifestation, but something inside you may not have wanted to face or admit. 

So today,  dig a little deeper, go a little further, and take a baby step towards doing that thing your heart yearns for....