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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Closure and New Beginnings..

"Closure" is a word that has many meanings to different people.  The very thought of it, for some, means slamming the door shut on a bitter memory, such as a bad intimate relationship that left their heart in shambles.

But Closure  can also mean turning a corner to something new.  It is indeed a leaving behind of the past, but that can mean letting go of a past you have held tightly and dearly for me in this case, for decades, while waiting to again feel that sense of belonging in life & a happy status quo as you flitter through perfect days of personal & career ecstasy.

I am about to embark on a Pilgrimage  next month.  It will have a 2 fold, inextricable purpose.  One, to connect with a Teacher I revere who has helped me to unfold  over the course of the past 8 months in ways I could have never conceived. The second, to re visit my Old Stomping Grounds where I spent some of the happiest years of my life in romance, friendship, and career. To reawaken those sleeping memories and remember how to savor life each day.

Yet it will be a Closure of sorts as I visit my where I once lived, restaurants I ate at with friends, & boyfriends, and my old store.  To look back and Feel  the warmness of it all rush over my heart, I will also be letting it go as I will be simultaneously  vividly cognizant of the stark reality that time has moved on from that place in my life.

This is not the 1st time I have embarked on this type of emotional Pilgrimage.  I look forward to it as before I found it extremely both cathartic and walked away with a strange sense of renewed optimism.

The further we distance ourselves in this life from our early years both in time and physical distance, the more they fade into the recesses of our brains and hearts.  Yet the emotional draw to that time and place can haunt us, calling us back for Closure.

Closure  to remember
Closure to re awaken
And Closure to let go.

I encourage you to re visit the places that you hold dear in your heart for a closure that will lead you to reinvigorate your life once more.

Annie Nonymous