My Holiday Wish for You.....
Days & months fly by in the blink of an eye. But each of us, I believe, has his or her own personal Wake Up Call to Time's passing, whether it be Nature & the change of Seasons, our Birthday, the Holidays, or something else. That personal Trigger can be a Time to be Startled into Contemplating, "Am I where I want to be? Doing what I'm meant to be doing? Am I Spending my Time on a Daily Basis pursuing My Calling?
Where are we Spending our Time? Are we focused on our Career & working so hard we don't make ample time for those we care about? During The Holidays our Culture dictates we spend time with Family & Friends, some of whom we haven't seen for some time. When we gather together to re connect, we share The State of our lives through conversation. We can't help but to face, The State of Our Lives.
It is so easy to be Entranced in the Commercialism & Materialism of the Season as we are bombarded from every direction through the media to buy, buy, buy.
Do we ever stop to think how challenging and simply disheartening The Holidays can be for those who can't buy? Today, I overheard an interaction in the Laundromat between 2 acquaintances. The woman asked the man, "How are your Holidays going?" He replied. "I don't think we're going to be able to buy much this year, but we'll make it through."
My Wish for You this Holiday Season is to get a Wake Up Call. Wake Up with Love and....
Days & months fly by in the blink of an eye. But each of us, I believe, has his or her own personal Wake Up Call to Time's passing, whether it be Nature & the change of Seasons, our Birthday, the Holidays, or something else. That personal Trigger can be a Time to be Startled into Contemplating, "Am I where I want to be? Doing what I'm meant to be doing? Am I Spending my Time on a Daily Basis pursuing My Calling?
Where are we Spending our Time? Are we focused on our Career & working so hard we don't make ample time for those we care about? During The Holidays our Culture dictates we spend time with Family & Friends, some of whom we haven't seen for some time. When we gather together to re connect, we share The State of our lives through conversation. We can't help but to face, The State of Our Lives.
It is so easy to be Entranced in the Commercialism & Materialism of the Season as we are bombarded from every direction through the media to buy, buy, buy.
Do we ever stop to think how challenging and simply disheartening The Holidays can be for those who can't buy? Today, I overheard an interaction in the Laundromat between 2 acquaintances. The woman asked the man, "How are your Holidays going?" He replied. "I don't think we're going to be able to buy much this year, but we'll make it through."
My Wish for You this Holiday Season is to get a Wake Up Call. Wake Up with Love and....
Spend not only your Money on Material Gifts, but Spend your Precious Time on Love
Spend your Love on.....
Quality Time with those you care about
Use This Holiday as an Opportunity to Reach Out to Mend Fences with those you've lost over silly quarrels
Use This Holiday as an Opportunity to Reach Out to Mend Fences with those you've lost over silly quarrels
Reconnect with Those you Miss but just haven't made Time for
Tell people you Love Them
Traverse the Boundaries of "Traditional" Gift Giving and Give a Gift from The Heart...
Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen
Give an extra donation to your favorite charity
Go out of Your Way to Be Generous in Kind Words to Strangers you meet. You don't know if they may be all alone this season or the challenges The Holidays bring to their life.
Life is Short. Spend your Precious Time on the Highest Calling we All have: Spend your Love.
Happy Holidays,
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