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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Speed Dating.....

As I was within feet of the entrance to the wine bar, an unexpected jolt of nervousness coursed through my body.  Overall, being a confident woman, I thought to myself, where is this coming from?  I passed it off as being due to being out of the dating game for years and instantly shrugged it off.

I walked in, as Clint Eastwood would walk in to a Western Saloon, squinting, taking a stance, and slowing scanning the place from one end to the other. There were 50 somethings scattered about the long, narrow room, all with wine in their hands, some chatting, some by themselves.  The slim, 40 something, tattooed bartender with a butch haircut was welcoming and explained the Speed Dating Guy hadn’t arrived yet as she handed me a Wine List.

And then, there he was, just as I had remembered him, short, nervous, awkward looking, like a dog that had been waiting too long for you to come home from work and needed to be let out to do his thing.   As always, when I’d very rarely run in to 1 of them, I didn’t’ know if it was truly him or his twin brother. Later, I was able to surmise it actually was him and not his twin from the names on the “scorecard” we used to rate our speed dates. It was Marvin, a man I very briefly dated in Chicago at least 10 years ago. It ended abruptly and clumsily which is not the norm for my romantic closures.  So much so that again, uncharacteristic of me, I had no propensity to even say hello.  As I sat at the bar with my back towards him, I could feel his gaze boring in to my back.  I brushed it off and kept talking to the girls on either side of me as we casually sipped our wine. (We were making idle chit chat, but of course we were in our minds, sizing each other up as competition). There were no strong romantic ties with Marvin to our less than ½  a dozen dates, so I didn’t take it personally when he left before the event even started. Even though it was a minuscule reason in the scheme of things as to why I’d left Chicago, feeling that I’d dated everyone there was to date there did factor in to the mix.  So what are the odds one turns up here, at my San Francisco speed dating event?

And then, it began. The men sat down, one after the other, some their foreheads sweating profusely from nervousness (My heart went out to them), some stumbling awkwardly at beginning a conversation.  I always picked up the slack as I can usually hit a note of common interest within a few questions.  I am a firm believer that you have the opportunity to learn something from everyone you meet.  It’s up to you whether you decide to or not.  In the end, maybe I didn’t meet prince charming, but I certainly was motivated and reinvigorated to start my own business and become independent, to travel the world more, and reaffirmed of my social and conversational prowess.

As I was bemused by idle conversation with short men I knew I would never later connect with, my writer’s mind was busily multitasking and was forming prose, describing the men, their conversation, and the interactions.  It was like in addition to the external conversation, I was having an additional internal narrative being written to share later. As soon as I heard the bell chime for musical chairs, during the few seconds I had to spare, I hurriedly wrote my mental notes down onto paper.

One of my favorites was when I told a native IT guy from Berkeley that I was from Wisconsin. His admiration instantaneously overflowed.  He said that he loved Midwesterners! Everyone he works with that is from Chicago is so down to earth, and just real, and nice.  They’re loyal and dependable, and just REAL.  You just don’t get that out here he continued.  I graciously took the compliment (which by the way I wholeheartedly agree with his opinion of my roots….am very proud to bear all those qualities) but reminded him that he should also acknowledge how great it is here. I said that although Californians don’t have that unique Midwestern “je ne sais quoi,” the open mindedness, freedom of expression, and simply acceptance of others’ views found here is so great, and something  that eludes a lot of Midwesterners when their opinions differ from your own.

 I explained that I can’t discuss different types of meditation with my Midwestern friends. I told him that I got polar opposite reactions when I told my friends back home that I was moving to Nepal to study Buddhism.  The Californians were jumping up and down, instantly green with envy.  The Midwesterners had a tentative reaction at best, asking me if I was alright, and thinking I’d gone over the edge.  Hek, there was an Indian Energy healer in the speed dating mix who studied Paramahansa Yogananda (who by the way, I had a fascinating 5 minute date with).  Someone like that I would never met at a Chicago speed dating event.

In my boredom towards the end of all the dates, my sarcastic side came out to play and went a bit rogue before I could reel it in or stop myself. The gold chained, blood shot eyed (50 something my ass!) older guy who was a bit rough around the edges, of course turned out to be from Milwaukee and went to Washington High School.  When he said he was from Wisconsin, by boredom for the event took over and my mischievous side came out to play.  I looked at him blankly and bewildered at the word “Wisconsin” when he said the state. So he said, “Do you know where Wisconsin is?”  I shook my head daftly (before I could stop myself) and he elaborated by naming the neighboring states, putting his hands up in the air as he did so, to show me as well.  I sat silently as he described where Milwaukee was within the state.  Then, as the bell rang to switch partners, I fessed up and said I’m from the South Side and went to South Division High School.  His eyes immediately lit up and he got all excited as he stood up to move to the next chair.

The 1st man I met, actually sat down with me before the event began.  We talked for over 15 minutes. It was Edward, a Millionaire Entrepreneur who owns his own IT company.  Saying he was Pescatarian (which I naively DID have to ask him to explain) made my budding Vegan heart all aflutter.  (They eat only fish as meat in case you were wondering too)  Saying he lived in Europe woke up my World Traveler. Saying he does stand-up comedy cinched the deal and my inner Second City Student was sold, hook, line and sinker.  Comedy being out common thread, he asked me to go with him after the event to a show. Being asked out after the Speed Dating event before the timed dating bell chimed was icing on the cake, setting the tone, and putting me in a hopeful mood. ).    He came right over to me when the timers had stopped for the night and the speed dates were over.  My real date began.

 I am counting it as a date.  Cha ching. Two in 4 years.  I’m on a slow moving roll.  We ate French fries on the outdoor patio  of an Irish Pub before the show. I was as giddy as a 5 year old watching the Tesla park itself as he took his hands off the wheel and pedal (I made him unpark and park the car twice

It is simply fascinating watching someone else emotionally and mentally take in and absorb who you are in words, process it, and be impressed.  Especially when you feel your current life is, and has been in shambles for some time now. Your light bulb goes on in a manner of sorts.  You just may have forgotten who you are, who you were, what you’ve done and accomplished, and how many varied and interesting things you enjoy.  To see the awe of the entirety of who you are mirrored back to you in a stranger’s eyes is mesmerizing in itself.

There is a certain, unique kind of symbiotic connection when every word that drops from your mouth meets with an equal amount of interest and fervor from the other person. When you have so much in common you can’t wait for them to stop talking so you can add to what they’re saying, pushing the conversation forward like a speeding train, racing down the track.  You’re enthralled with them.  They’re enthralled with you.  The whole thing is a conversational whirlwind of dance and fun that just keeps unfurling as the evening unfolds.

To be referred to as an “Extraordinary Renaissance Woman” still makes me grin with satisfaction.  And not to mention, makes me miss dating.  The get to know you cha-cha of one step forward and one step back as you glide across the expanse of each others’ lives is so invigorating to your self-esteem.

And so ended my night of Speed Dating.  I woke up still happy and ready to keep the toe in the water of the dating pool.

This piece is dedicated to Sharon, who lovingly told me that 4 years of not dating is “simply unacceptable” and to get my butt out there.  Those magic words that set me in motion.

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